Author Instructions
Authors must submit the "Author Information Form" together with their manuscript. Author Information Form can be downloaded from here.
- Abstract & the Extended Abstract should be submitted in two separate files.
- Abstracts & Extended Abstracts can be submitted ,online or via email to
- Maximum number of text pages in the Extended Abstract should be three (03) (A4 size) pages.
- Title (maximum characters 100 with spaces; Font, Times New Roman,14, bold)
- Authors (indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk, and provide the emailaddress on a separate line (Font, Times New Roman, 12)
- Author affiliations (Font, Times New Roman, 11, Italic)
- Maximum number of words in the text 250
- No citations,
- Font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing1.5
- Key words: Maximum 5 keywords - Font: Times New Romans, 11, Italic
- Title (Font-Times New Roman, 14, bold)
- Abstract
- Introduction(Font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing1.5)
- Materials & Methods(Font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing1.5)
- Results and Discussion(Font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing1.5)
- Conclusions (as applicable): (Font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing1.5)
- References: maximum of 8 citations (Font-Times New Roman, 12, line spacing1.5; Follow the given format in the template for extended abstract)
- no author names are indicated in the extended abstract
- preferable formats of extended abstract are docx or doc
- number of figures and tables (if any) should be minimized to one each
- maximum number of text pages three (03) (A4 size)
Following sections should be included in the ABSTRACT:
Title & affiliations:
Abstract :
Note: Abstracts with the text exceeding the maximum limit will be returned
Template for the abstract can be downloaded from here.
Following sections should be included in the EXTENDED ABSTRACT:
Please note that:
Template for the extended abstract can be downloaded from here.
Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations
- Oral Presentations
- Duration is strictly limited to 15 minutes in which 10 minutes for presentation and 05 minutes for discussion.
- Poster Presentation
- Poster should be digitally printed with dimensions 100 cm x 90 cm. Preferred orientation is portrait. (optional)