Program Schedule
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Session A | Session B | Session C | Session D |
RISTCON 2015 Program
22 January 2015
Venue: Professor Alawatththagoda Pemadasa Auditorium
Time | Conference Programme |
0800 | Registration |
0830 | Arrival of the Chief Guest & Guest of Honors |
0835 | Ceremonial Procession |
0840 | Lighting the Traditional Oil Lamp |
0850 | University Anthem |
0855 | Welcome Address by Professor P.D. Abeysinghe, Chairperson/RISTCON2015 |
0905 | Address by Professor W.G.D. Dharmaratne Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Ruhuna |
0920 | Address by Professor S.G.J.N Senanayake Vice Chancellor, University of Ruhuna |
0930 | Address by the Chief Guest Prof. Kshanika Hirimburegama Chairperson, UGC, Sri Lanka |
0940 | Keynote Address by Prof. Dilantha Fernando University of Manitoba, Canada "Socioeconomic and Environmental Sustainability through Integrated Research for Development - A Sri Lankan Focus” |
1030 | Refreshments |
1100 | Invited Speech by Prof. Monte Casim, President, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University “Role of High Technology and Citizen Scientists in Conservation Biology of Tropical Ecosystems” |
1150 | Awarding Ceremony
Invention and Enovation Exhibition-2014 |
1220 | Vote of Thanks Jt. Secretary/RISTCON2015 |
1225 | National Anthem |
1230 | Lunch break |
Day 1 Afternoon: TECHNICAL SESSIONS-I– Summary Programme | |
1330-1430 | Invited Presentation byProf. UpulWijayantha |
1430-1500 | Tea break |
1500-1615 | Technical sessions (Five parallel sessions) 5x5Oralpresentations |
1615-1715 | Invited Speech by Prof. SarathKotagama |
23 January 2015