Guidelines for preparation of abstracts and extended abstracts
- Abstracts & Extended Abstracts can be submitted online or via email Abstracts & Extended Abstracts should be submitted as separate files. Alternatively hard copies can be submitted to the secretary.
- Extended abstracts (maximum three (03) manuscript pages) should be submitted as well.
- Include the following parts in the Extended abstract: (Download Guidelines)
- Title (maximum characters 100 with spaces; Font- Times new Roman ,14, bold )
- Authors (indicate the corresponding author with an asterisk, and provide the email address on a separate line (Font- Times new Roman, 12)
- Author affiliations (Font- Times New Roman, 11, Italic)
- Abstract :
- Maximum number of words 250
- No citations,
- Font- Times new Roman, 12, 1.5 line spacing
- Key words: Maximum 5 key words
- Title (no author names) and Abstract followed by Introduction, materials & methods, Results/Discussion/conclusions (as applicable): (Font- Times new Roman, 12, 1.5 line spacing)
- The maximum number of text pages three (03)
- Minimize the number of figures and tables (if any) to one each
- References: maximum of 8 citations
- Preferable formats of manuscripts are pdf, docx or doc
- Deadline for the submission of extended abstracts is 30 September 2013
- The extended abstracts/abstracts will be peer-reviewed and the decision on acceptance will be informed by 15 November 2013
Title Page
Extended Abstract
- Postal Address
- Oral Presentations
- Duration is strictly limited to 15 minutes in which 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for Q & A session
- Poster Presentation
- Poster should digitally printed with dimensions 100*90 cm. Preferred poster orientation is portrait (optional)
Dr. (Ms.) D.H.N.MunasingheThe Secretary/
Department of Zoology
Faculty of Science
University of Ruhuna
Sri Lanka
Guidelines for Oral and Poster Presentations